Sunday, February 25, 2007

how to feed your fashion monster

An excerpt from "Dressing Down" by Cathy Horyn. New York Times, 25 Feb 2007.


12 Ways to Stay in the Game

1. Give up eating at restaurants. In fact, give up eating altogether. You’ll look better in the clothes.

2. Start a foundation ... for yourself. Tell your friends you’re collecting money for “Clothes for Caring” — because who cares more about clothes than you?

3. Catherine Deneuve in “Belle de Jour” — need I say more?

4. Therapy racks up huge bills with nothing to show for it. Quit the couch and treat your depression/anxiety/sleep issues with box wine instead.

5. Look around your home for heirlooms that could yield big bucks on eBay. Also, look around your neighbor’s home.

6. Forgo your grande nonfat latte for four months: 120 days at $2.65 a day = $318 = a sleeve!

7. After all these years, can’t you inject your own Botox? Cut out the middleman and save $$$.

8. Scrutinize all expenditures. Does Grandma really need 24-hour care?

9. Anticipate the federal minimum wage hike from $5.15 to $7.25. Two thousand

more hours of cleaning toilets, post-tax, and you’ve got yourself half an outfit.

10. That’s what home equity’s for.

11. Become a Defense Department contractor and slip it into the budget. Forget socialites — those generals really know how to spend on “body armor.”

12. Marry Ronald Perelman. (Last resort.) [?][?][?]Nell Scovell

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